

Pastoral Council

Pastrol Council

Pastor's Corner: July 14
Last weekend’s Sun Gazette featured a front-page article about the merger of two of our neighboring Protestant congregations. Like a similar article about us a few weeks ago, reasons for the transition were listed out. The vision for the future was described. I hope and pray it goes well for them. But, I could not help noticing a couple of things. First, whenever Catholics talk about changing demographics or the need to alter parish structures we get some advice. We hear people say: If the Catholic Church just lightened up, more people would come. If the Catholic C...

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New Parish Pastoral Council Members
Please welcome our four new parish pastoral council members: Tom Engel (first term), Ron Ferguson (first term), Brenda Larson (first term), and Stephanie Radulski (second term). Representing our faith communities in an advisory role to Father McCreary, these parishioners will each serve a 3-year term beginning in June. With four vacancies and four individuals accepting nominations this year, an election will not be necessary. You can learn more about each of these individuals online.

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Thinking About Running for Parish Pastoral Council?
Calling all parishioners! Do you want to get involved in your parish community and learn more about the upcoming Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) election?  Do you have someone in mind who might be a good fit for the PPC? Join us on Sunday, February 18th at 6 p.m. in the St. Lawrence Parish Hall: Pick up Parish Pastoral Council educational materials Learn about the PPC's mission and election process Ask questions and get clarification  Whether you're curious about how the council works or ready to nominate yourself or someone else for t...

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Congratulations to New Pastoral Council Members
Congratulations to our three new pastoral council members as they join current council members in advising our pastor on matters related to the spiritual health and administration of The Parishes of St. Boniface & St. Lawrence: Greg Deck, Karen Kirk-Newman, and Scott Lorson. Their three-year terms will begin in June. A special thank you goes out to our Recruitment and Training Committee for organizing and overseeing this year's council elections. 

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Parish Pastoral Council Election
The pastoral council election takes place this weekend, May 20 & 21. Sheets with candidate biographies are in the back of church. Please take the time to read about each candidate so you can make a thoughtful decision as we continue to build for the future of our two parishes. Candidates should be individuals that are called to work cooperatively and creatively for the greater good. Ballots will be located at the church entrances by the bulletins. Please take a ballot and make (3) three selections and return the ballots to the collection boxes. 

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Meet Your Parish Pastoral Council Nominees
Congratulations to the following individuals that have been nominated for our pastoral council: Greg Deck, Chris Heim, Karen Kirk-Newman, Scott Lorson, Gloria O’Connell, and Rosemary Proctor. Pastoral council elections will take place the weekend of May 20 & 21. Candidate biographies can be found as an insert in the printed weekly bulletin.  Please take the time to read about each candidate so you can make a thoughtful decision as we continue to build for the future of our two parishes. There will be a candidate meet & greet after Mass on May 14 a...

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Parish Council Nominations Due March 28
Are you a strategic thinker?  Know anyone who is skilled at thinking about long term goals for our parishes? Self-nominations and nominations of parishoners interested in serving on our parish pastoral council need to be returned to the church office no later than Tuesday, March 28. Nomination forms are located in the rear of both St. Boniface and St. Lawrence. 

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New Council Members Elected
Congratulations to: Eric Beiter, Dr. Lee Ciccarelli, Jennifer Dincher, and Sr. Teresa Ann Jacobs on their election to parish council! We know you will serve our parishes well.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to read the biographies and vote in the election. 

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Parish Council Nominees & Voting
Voting for the next members of the St. Boniface & St. Lawrence Parish Council will take place on the weekend of June 4-5. You can learn more about each nominee by reviewing the candidate information sheet in the rear of church with the bulletins. Please take a few minutes to review the candidates before voting. You can also view the candidate information online.

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Parish Leaders Sought

Posted on May 04, 2022 in: Pastoral Council

Parish Leaders Sought
The Combined St. Lawrence & St. Boniface Pastoral Council nominations of 4 prospective members will continue this week. If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone that you think would be a positive addition to council, please fill out the form provided in the pews of either church. Candidates should be able to think broadly and work collaboratively for long term planning and growth of our parishes. Nomination forms should be returned in the basket at church exit or with the weekly collections. Questions can be directed to the parish office at 570-326-1...

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Watch for Parish Council Nomination Opportunity
Our parish council represents both St. Lawrence and St. Boniface. This elected advisory group suggests to the pastor its considered opinions on matters related to the spiritual health and administration of The Parishes of St. Boniface & St. Lawrence. This council is an advisory body and its planning is WITH the parish and not FOR the parish. Over the next two months the council will provide additional information and education regarding the nomination of prospective new members to fill FOUR 3-year term vacancies. Please watch for important dates to be provided on ...

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Parish Pastoral Council

Posted on June 25, 2021 in: Pastoral Council

Parish Pastoral Council
St. Boniface & St. Lawrence Parish Pastoral Council - The St. Boniface and St. Lawrence Parish Pastoral Council met on Monday, June 21, 2021 to elect new officers for the next year. Congratulations to the following people who were chosen to be the newest leaders of our joint council! Chairperson: Brianne Carpenter Vice-Chairperson: Noah Bauer Secretary: Sue Lingg We also need to send out a huge thank you to Ken Danielsen, Jack Peck, and Tina Pulver as they "retire" from their seats on the council! Each of them has served our parishes for sever...

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Parish Council Meeting

Posted on June 14, 2021 in: Pastoral Council

Parish Council Meeting
The St. Boniface & St. Lawrence Parish Pastoral Council will meet again Monday, June 21, 2021 at 6:30p in the St. Lawrence Parish Hall. This will be a reorganization meeting to select new officers for the next year. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas that you would like discussed at their next monthly meeting, please see a parish council member.

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Parish Pastoral Council Election Results
Congratulations to our newest Parish Pastoral Council members! Noah Bauer (3 year term) Brianne Carpenter (3 year term) Sue Dinsmore (3 year term) Stephanie Radulski (3 year term) Sharon Thompson (2 year term) They will be attending our next Council meeting on Monday, June 21, 2021 at 6:30 in the St. Lawrence Parish Hall where they will help choose the next chair-person, vice chair-person, and secretary. Thank you to all who voted to help choose our newest representatives!

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Parish Council Elections
Voting for the next members of the St. Boniface & St. Lawrence Parish Pastoral Council is taking place this weekend, May 15 & 16. The ballots and biography sheets of the candidates are in the pews at each church along with pens or pencils for voting. Please take a minute to review the bio sheet on the candidates one more time and vote at the end of Mass before you leave. You may place the ballots in the collection basket (or ballot box at St. Lawrence) in the back of each church. The ballots will be counted at the next Council meeting on Monday, May 17. The winners ...

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Parish Pastoral Council Elections
The Combined St Lawrence and St Boniface Pastoral Council will begin their process of providing information and education regarding the nomination of prospective NEW members to fill Five (5) (3-year term) vacancies. Here are important weekend dates:  May 1st-9th, Nominee Bios posted in bulletins May 15th, Voting prior to all Mass May 22nd, New Members are announced and posted in bulletins and web If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone in your family, please call the Parish office, 570-326-1544, thank you.

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Parish Pastoral Council Elections
The Combined St Lawrence and St Boniface Pastoral Council will begin their process of providing information and education regarding the nomination of prospective NEW members to fill Five (5) (3 year term) vacancies. Here are important weekend dates Pulpit Talk to be given at all weekend Masses beginning March 20 ending April 17 April 24 th Nominations end May 1 st top Nominees provide bios May 8 th , Nominee Bios posted in bulletins May 15 th , Voting prior to all Mass May 22 nd , New Members are announced and posted in bulletins and web If you are inte...

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St. Lawrence Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes
Saint Lawrence Parish Pastoral Council met on June 22, 2020. Click HERE to view the minutes from the meeting.

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Parish Pastoral Council

Posted on March 03, 2020 in: Pastoral Council

Parish Pastoral Council
St. Boniface & St. Lawrence Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes are available on our website We are inviting you to a meeting of both parish councils, finance councils and other parishioners who are deeply engaged on: MONDAY MARCH 16th at 6:30pm at St Lawrence Hall.  

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St Boniface Parish Council

Posted on January 24, 2020 in: Pastoral Council

St. Boniface Parish Council The next St. Boniface Parish Council meeting is set for Monday, February 10.  

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Food Pantry

Posted on December 11, 2019 in: General News, Pastoral Council

Food Pantry
December Food Pantry Thank you to all our families, we have been able to take a very large amount of food to the St. Joseph Food Pantry. We ask that you continue so that we can help with Christmas Food Bags as well. The following items are what is asked for from the St. Joseph the Worker Food Pantry (working in affiliation with Central PA Food Bank), Instant mashed potatoes, Canned fruit, Canned vegetables, Gravy, Cranberry sauce, Bag of candy or cookies, Fruit snacks, Hot Chocolate packets, Grocery gift cards (any amount). If you prefer, you can bring giftcardstothePari...

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Food Pantry

Posted on October 22, 2019 in: Pastoral Council, Social Concerns

Food Pantry
Thank you to our St. Boniface/St. Lawrence Families for helping fill the food boxes. Hoping for more families to help fill the food box as we try to fill the shelves at the St. Joseph The Worker Food Pantry. This is a service project of the SB & SL Parish Councils. Item of the month of October: STUFFING & INSTANT MASHED POTATOES. Other Items needed: Cereal/granola bars; Mac and Cheese; Peanut Butter; Pasta/Pasta Sauce; Ramen Noodle; Tuna; Canned Vegetables. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this ministry, contact Sue Lingg 322-8349 or Dianne Fisher 322-...

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A few years ago, at the direction of Bishop Bambera, a new Parish Pastoral Council was formed. Ten parishioners from St. Lawrence Church formed the new council, the first our church has had in many years. Two of these council members have terms that will expire at the end of this year making it necessary for St. Lawrence to elect replacements. The following individuals have been nominated for St. Lawrence Parish Council:  Chris Heim, Scott McFadden, Jim Pegg and Noah Bauer.  Nominees profiles Beginning immediately and continuing through the weekend of November 16th, St. Lawrence Parishioners will cast ba...

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St Lawrence

Pastoral Council Meetings

Posted on August 29, 2019 in: Pastoral Council

St. Lawrence Council Meeting is September 17 at 6:30 pm at the St. Lawrence Hall.   St. Boniface Council Meeting is September 30 at 6:30 pm in the RAC.

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On behalf of Father Bill, the Parish Pastoral Council wishes to thank everyone for voting.  With approximately 300 ballots cast, parish members elected our newest board members. Joe Bering Sue Lingg George Dincher

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The Parish Pastoral Council Election is the weekend of May 18 & 19. Here are the nominees to fill the Three open seats on the council. Joe Bering It is an honor to be nominated for one of the vacating seats on our parish council.  Interestingly, this nomination has occurred at a time when I am seeking the opportunity to participate more actively in the lay ministry at St. Boniface as the result of a planned career slow down after 25 years which should allow more time to devote to family and self. As a biographical sketch, I was raised in a very caring Catholic family of 5 children in Lebanon,...

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The Parish Councils will have their most recent meeting minutes available on our Website.  Click on Pastoral Councils. If you wish to have a hard copy, please contact the parish office.

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March 31, 2019 There's a new spirit here. Numerous people mention it. We can feel it. People linger more after Mass to talk and visit. More families are arriving and asking for children to be baptized. The number of parishioners volunteering has shot up. You are noting that some old faces have returned. That's a blessing of God's grace that despite the year's headlines, we are growing. At Easter, four people will be entering the Church. Marvelous! Continue this trend by gently inviting friends or family who have filtered away.  Tell them of the music that soars, of homilies that seek to be biblic...

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As many of you may know, a few years ago, a new Parish Pastoral Council at both Parishes was formed.  Nine parishioners formed this new council, the first one we have had a many years.  Three of these council members at St Boniface have terms that expire this year on June 30th making it necessary for us to elect replacements.  Both this weekend and next, there will be information in the bulletin and on the parish’s website explaining in detail what the job of the Pastoral Council is and how it operates.  There will also be information on what makes a good council member.  I urge you to r...

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PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 10 DAYS: NOVEMBER 12 - 21, 2019 FULL! We have filled the trip much quicker than ever expected.  Thank you for your desire to understand Christ better!    We will be scheduling one or two orientations before our departure in November. Please watch for updates in the bulletin and our website.  

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St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of All Souls  - - - ALL SOUL’s REQUIEM MASS Friday, November 2, 2018 6:30 pm For more information click - /Portals/StBonifacePA/CMAdmin/St.%20Boniface%20All%20Souls%20Flyer%2010-18.pdf    

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