

Entries for 2018

NEW Lights at St Boniface

Posted on December 19, 2018 in: General News

Today (December 18th) our NEW Light are being installed at St Boniface Church.  I am very excited about the prograss we are making tackeling this project.  It will be so bright you'll need your sunglasses at mass!

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The 45th Annual Young Artist Competition sponsored by the Friends of the Williamsport Symphony and organized by the WSO Education Committee was held on Sept. 22 at Lycoming College. The competition featured nine contestants performing one movement of a standard concerto for their instrument.  This year’s Adjudicators were Mr. Rick Coulter, WSO Board Member, Chair of the WSO Education Committee, Director of the Billtown Brass, and former Supervisor of Music for the Williamsport Area School District; Mr. Ruben Council, WSO principal flutist; Dr. Emily Rolka, WSO violinist and Director of the Suzuki Talent Educa...

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Christmas Concert

Posted on December 13, 2018 in: Music Ministry

The Contemporary Choir hosted a Christmas Concert on Decemeber 9th at St Boniface Church.  The theme was "Immanuel, God is With Us”.  A Christmas Celebration of Music, Giving and Community!  The event was beautiful the music was amazing and the church was filled with joy, love and faith.  I want to thank everyone who worked so hard and long in order to produce such a wonderful program. Click on the link to see photos from the Concert.  

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Family Promise

Posted on December 13, 2018 in: General News

We are blessed to receive a new coordinator of this intense and beautiful ministry, Sr. Christina Cables of the Sisters of Christian Charity. She has volunteered with Family Promise beforehand and feels happy to serve these vulnerable families. She will start immediately, but the next family does not arrive until April 2019. If you want to serve, contact her at The 2019 calendar has been set for our Family Promise Host dates. Our dates are: April 14th to April 21st, August 11th to 18th, and December 29th to January 5th. If you are available & would like to help send an ...

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Family Promise

300 Club Tickets

Posted on December 13, 2018 in: St Boniface Activities

The St Boniface Activities Association will begin selling their 300 ClubTickets in January. If you're interest in purchasing or selling tickets please contact Paul Beiter at 570-326-0788!

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Parents please note there will be no PREP CLASS on December 23rd or Decemebrt 30th.  We will resume classes on January 6th, 2019!   Enjoy the time with Family and Friends!  May God love for you keep warm and that you share that warmth with those around you!

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Youth Ministry Second Sunday

Posted on December 06, 2018 in: General News

Youth Ministry Jesus 101 -What is Jesus really all about and do I have what it takes to be His Disciple? Who: 9-12 graders What: Dinner, Conversation, followed by Mass at 7:30pm When: December 9, 5:30pm to 8:00pm Where: St. Boniface Church & RAC Instagram: SecondSunday_sBsL Please join us on Second Sundays for high schoolers.  We'll have Mass, eat dinner, and talk about what goes on in church. Is it boring? Definitely less boring if you know what's actually happening & why.  Bring an empty stomach, open mind, and a friend. Families welcome and encouraged to attend Mass. Email...

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Youth Ministry
Holy Day of Obligation - The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Masses St. Lawrence Friday December 7th 5:30pm & St. Boniface Saturday December 8th 9:00am

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We have uploaded photos of the children of St Lawrence and St Boniface celabrating Advent in their Prep classes. Thank you to all the teachers and parents for making this moment possible.  Please follow the link to the Prep Photo Album.

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Pivotal Players Series

Posted on November 30, 2018 in: General News

Our Advent Series - We will be hosting superb videos on key spiritual figures in the history of Catholicism. Each session will be 90 mins long including video and discussions. We will offer the same segment two times each week for your convenience: ~ St. Catherine of Siena Tuesday. December 4th: 6:30pm RAC Friday December 7th: 10:30am St Lawrence Hall ~ St. Francis of Assisi Tuesday December 11th: 6:30pm RAC Friday December 14th: 10:30am St Lawrence Hall ~ G.K. Chesterton Tuesday December 18th: 6:30pm RAC Friday December 21st: 10:30am St Lawrence Hall

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Christmas Concerts

Posted on November 30, 2018 in: Music Ministry

On December 9th, the Contemporary Choir is hosting a Christmas Concert on Decemember 9th from 4PM to 6PM at St Boniface Church.  The theme is "Immanuel, God is With Us.  A Christmas Celebration of Music, Giving and Community"!   There will be Pre-Concert entertainment by th 6th Grade Prep student musicians at 3:45 PM During the concert there will be a FREE Will Offering to support our local / world charities. Following the the Concert there will be light refreshments and fellowship sponored by St Nicholas who will greet the children.  Please join us in faith and love to cele...

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Advent Services

Posted on November 28, 2018 in: General News

St. Boniface and St. Lawrence Advent Services 2018 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Boniface - December 13th at 6:30pm Advent Reconciliation Services:     Tuesday, December 18th at 6:30p.m. Resurrection Church, Muncy     Wednesday, December 19th at 6:30p.m. St. Boniface     Thursday, December 20th at 1:00p.m. SJNRA St. Boniface Mass Schedule:                             Christmas Eve       &n...

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Touch-A-Heart Christmas Tree

Posted on November 13, 2018 in: Social Concerns

Touch-A-Heart Christmas Tree The lobbies of St Boniface and St Lawrence have Touch-A-Heart Christmas Trees.  Please take a tag from the tree for the missions in Ecuador or Nicaragua and the local agencies like Family Promise, Shepherd of the Streets and Salvation Army.  Time is running out to take a tag from the Touch–A–Heart tree! Please bring envelopes to church by December 23rd.  Be as generous as God has been with you. Thank you!

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Senior CARE Team

Posted on November 13, 2018 in: General News

If your loved one is hospitalized, goes into a nursing care facility or cannot get to Mass on a regular basis, please contact us so we can continue to provide the sacraments and spiritual support from our priests and Senior CARE Team members. We are also compiling a list of those in assisted living and skilled nursing facilities as well as those who are home alone and would enjoy a social visit or occasional phone call from one of our Senior CARE Team members. Please call the rectory or Karen Balestino at 327-1147 to update us.  

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Senior CARE Team
As reported on,  Williamsport Area High School freshman violinist Michael Fisher became a division finalist Sunday during the Pennsylvania Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Eastern Division Junior String Competition.  Fisher, who won the Junior String Division, will travel to West Viriginia University in Jaunary to compete as a finalist in the MTNA Eastern Division Junior String Competition.  Sunday’s event was held at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. The son of Don and Kristin Fisher, the 14-year-old has been studying violin for 10 years and is a student of ...

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Thanksgiving Food Drive

Posted on November 07, 2018 in: General News

THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) will be hosting Thanksgiving food drive to be taken to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank because "No One Should Be Hungry". Our youth and their families are asked to donate food for a Thanksgiving meal: boxed stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes in a box or packet, jars of turkey gravy or dried gravy mix packets, canned yams, cranberry sauce, canned veggies, cornbread mix, canned pumpkin or fruit pie filling. Box pie crust mix, salt/pepper, boxed macaroni and cheese. If monetary donations are made they will be used to purchase turkeys from a l...

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Children's Liturgy

Posted on November 07, 2018 in: General News

Children's Liturgy We would love to start a special Liturgy of the Word (scripture readings geared to children) during many of the 10:30 Masses on Sunday. Fr. Bill is willing to train adults, but we need several people who can lead and chaperone this vital effort. Voice an interest to him at or call 326-1544. We will supply the ear plugs. Children would retreat to the newly renovated Music Room in the church and hear the same Gospel, but translated for their age group. They would return to their families in the church during the Creed. It's meant to give parents a break and allow the children...

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Diocesan Annual Appeal

Posted on October 31, 2018 in: Ministries

The Journey Makes Us One..... Did  you know your donations to the Annual Appeal are restricted to use to support five Diocesan Ministries and Services.  Please watch Bishop Bambera's video and consider supporting the ministries and services in this years annual appeal.

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Annual Appeal

St Lawrence Cookbook

Posted on October 30, 2018 in: St Lawrence Activities

The St. Lawrence Parish Cookbook has been well received! We presently have 12 books left, and the committee will decide if we should order more. The Cookbook is full with recipes and pictures of the church to make this a special gift for the holiday. The cost of this Parish Cookbook is only $19.95 and the money raised will be used for special parish projects.  Thank you for supporting this effort, these activities will only work with your help, money raised is given to the church toward Parish Bills. If you have questions, contact a Parish Activity Committee Member or Dianne Fisher 570-322-3278.

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All Saint's Day - Holy Day of Obligation Masses St. Lawrence Wednesday October 31st, 5:30 pm St. Boniface Thursday November 1st, 8:00 am St. Boniface SJNRA Mass 10:00 am All Soul's Day Friday November 2nd St. Lawrence Friday November 2nd, 7:00 am St. Boniface Friday November 2nd, 8:00 am St. Boniface Friday November 2nd, 6:30 pm  

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St. Boniface Turkey Party & Bingo

Posted on October 17, 2018 in: General News

St. Boniface Turkey Party and Bingo is Friday, November 16th. As in the past, purchasing a $1.00 ticket will entitle you to chances on 30 Gift Cards, admission to the hall the night of the party, free beverages, snacks and hot sandwiches. IT’S THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN!!! If you have not come to a Turkey Party before, come and join us for the fun.  Volunteers and ticket sellers are needed. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to enjoy yourself and help your fellow parishioner at the same time. We are only asking a few hours of your time. If you are interested in helping set-up, helping the night of the party,...

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Mummer's Parade October 20, 2018 It is that time again the South Williamsport 73rd Annual MUMMERS PARADE. Come check out the food tent at the St. Lawrence Church in South Williamsport side yard- WHERE WE will be selling from the PAC PARADE FOOD TENT SATURDAY OCTOBER 20TH FROM 11:00AM TO END OF PARADE: We will be selling hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage. Also selling sweet treats and drinks. We will have a sign-up sheet in the back of the church for any items our parishioners can donate for this fundraiser. Got questions, we've got answers - call any member of the St. Lawrence PAC about this next fundraiser at th...

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XLT (Exalt!)
XLT (Exalt!), will be held Monday, October 15th from 6:30-8:30p.m. at St. Boniface Parish, 326 Washington Boulevard, Williamsport. The Youth event, co-sponsored by the Diocese, for high schoolers and young adults, will consist of Eucharistic Adoration, praise & worship music, a dynamic talk by a young professional woman, the opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation, and a social. All are welcome to attend! For more information, please call 570-780-2996.  

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Posted on October 09, 2018 in: Pastoral Council

St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of All Souls  - - - ALL SOUL’s REQUIEM MASS Friday, November 2, 2018 6:30 pm For more information click - /Portals/StBonifacePA/CMAdmin/St.%20Boniface%20All%20Souls%20Flyer%2010-18.pdf    

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Baptism of Garret Joseph Davis

Posted on October 09, 2018 in: Sacraments

I am pleased to introduce you to Garret Joseph Davis son of Brandy McFadden and Chad Davis.  Garret was baptized into the church last weekend.  Please join me in welcoming Garret and congratulating Brandy and Chad!    Fr Bill

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John Bower Basketball League

Posted on October 02, 2018 in: General News

St. Boniface and St. Lawrence Church John Bower Basketball Its that time of the year again to sign your child up for John Bower Basketball. Team are being formed in the following divisions: Beginner Pee-Wee (K thru 2nd) Pee-Wee (3rd thru 5th) Midget (4th thru 6th) Juniors (7th thru 9th) Seniors (10th thru 12th) To down load the application click here FORM.  Sign-UP Sheets are also available in the rear of the church. Questions please call Thomas Reid or 570-979-6832

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Central America Mission

Posted on October 02, 2018 in: Social Concerns

NICARAGUA "Walk of Water Projects" Central Region 2018 - Projection Rain Harvesting systems for 25 families in las Lomas and Cerro de Piedra. 2017 - Rain Harvesting systems installed for 45 families in las Lomas and Cerro de Piedra. 2016 - Repair of communities wells and water catchment system in El Jicaro and Piedra de Agua, benefitting 100 families. 2015 - Installation of water lines, Barrio Nuevo Amanecer, benefitting 30 families. 2014 - Installation of water lines, drinking fountains and water tank, 15 de Septiembre and Vamos a Jesus schools, benefitting...

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St. Lawrence Parish Cookbook as a fundraiser and a family keepsake is alive and well. Thank you for those recipes. Work has begun to design the Parish Cookbook. We hope to add some photos of our parish in the Cookbook. Watch for our completion date and the beginning of sales. Our hope is to have it ready to give as Christmas gifts.     Our book categories will be,**Appetizers, Relishes, Salsa, **Soups & Salads **Side Dishes ** Main Dish, Casserole ** Desserts **This & That.   These activities will only work with your help, money raised is given to the church toward Parish Bills. ...

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ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES are scheduled for the following dates: SUNDAY Dec. 16th 9:10-10am - Islam #101 Each session will begin with a presentation of 20 minutes. The balance will be dedicated to your questions. Note that all of these are during PREP. The location is at St. Lawrence Hall.

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St. Lawrence: We have a need for more Eucharistic ministers for weekend Mass at St. Lawrence. This ministry is an important component to allowing us to provide the Eucharist under both species. Contact the Parish office if interested. Please pray and see if you can contribute to this ministry. St. Boniface: We have had some wonderful volunteers who have retired after years of service. We could use new blood to distribute Holy Communion at Masses. Interested? Contact Marie Stewart or the parish office. We will train you. Maybe some who serve in another role may want to rotate to this ministry. ...

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"Canticle of the Sun"-written by St. Francis of Assisi O most High, almighty, good Lord God, to you belong praise, glory, honor, and all blessing! Praised be my Lord God with all creatures, and especially our brother the sun, which brings us the day and the light; fair is he, and shining with a very great splendor: O Lord, he signifies you to us! Praised be my Lord for our sister the moon, and for the stars, which God has set clear and lovely in heaven. Praised be my Lord for our brother the wind, and for air and cloud, calms and all weather, by which you uphold in life all creatures. Prai...

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PANCAKE & SAUSAGE BREAKFAST Sunday October 7th 8am-12:30pm at Saint Lawrence Parish Center Adults:  $8 in advance   $9 at the door; Kids 12 & under: $4.50 Parish Activity Committee Fundraiser-Proceeds Benefit St. Lawrence Parish Contact any PAC Committee Person: Judy & Dan Campion, Dianne Fisher, Laura & Bob Gilson, Sally Hilsher, Tom & Pat Kaczmarek, Janey & Mike Karney, Heather Kriner, Brendan Kriner, Diann Mason Mary McCormick, Jack Peck and Kelly Wrightson    

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Youth Ministry Meeting

Posted on September 20, 2018 in: General News, Ministries

Youth Ministry Several people have voiced an interest in organizing extra activities for our parishioners aged 14-18 years (high school). We are having an OPEN HOUSE for students and adults interested in helping. Pass the word and Join us on Thursday, September 27th 6:30pm in the RAC. Contact Let's brainstorm together!  

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New Bulletin

Posted on September 13, 2018 in: General News

Please check out our new bulletin which should be fun and easy to read!  You can download the bulletin right from our website. As we grow, this should help us highlight the robust life of our parishes. Special thanks to Sally Hilsher and Hilsher Graphics for their creativity in producing this new style. Meanwhile, we are always looking for innovative ideas. Email us and let us know if you have any Church Good News, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Milestones, etc. Email us at

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Catechists Meeting

Posted on September 13, 2018 in: Religious Education

MEETING FOR ALL CATECHISTS is Sunday September 16th after the 10:30am Mass. There will also be a Commissioning of all Catechists during the 10:30am Mass at St. Boniface on the same day.  We will meet in the RAC Room after Mass. 

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Please join us in welcoming Fr. James Kgunya (Priest from Kenya, East Africa) who will be visiting our parish September 8 th & 9th . Fr. James Kagunya is a diocesan priest from the diocese of Nakuru. Presently, the diocese of Nakuru is involved in pastoral care and promoting human development activities to a Catholic population of approximately 650,000 in the counties of Nakuru and Baringo. In the Northern enclaves of Baringo and East Pokot, drought is ravaging thousands and dangerously leaving many more to be dependent on food aid. There are reports of human and livestock deaths as a result of acute food shortage. The...

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Across the diocese, we are observing 24 hours of prayer for Atonement & Healing regarding sexual abuse. It will be held this Friday 14th, the Feast of the Holy Cross and on Saturday 15th, Our Lady of Sorrows. Friday Regular 8am Mass - St Boniface Special Evening Prayer with Exposition at 6:30 pm - St Lawrence   Saturday Special Mass at 8am - St Boniface We hope you will join us to pray that our sins may be atoned and healing will come to those affected.

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Confirmation 2018 Reminder

Posted on September 06, 2018 in: General News

CONFIRMATION REHEARSAL DATE is Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 2:00pm in the St. Boniface Church with Sponsor.  This celebration is for those who have completed the 2 year program and are entering into 9th grade in the fall. Reminder: CONFIRMATION is scheduled for September 18, 2018 5:00pm  Confirmation Mass is Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 5:00pm at St. Boniface Church – Confirmation Candidates need to be at the church by 4:00pm for picture and seating. What to wear at the Confirmation Mass:  Young men should wear dress slacks and dress shirt with a tie, and dress shoes. (No white sneakers &ndash...

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Leave A Mark - Day of Service

Posted on September 04, 2018 in: Ministries

The #LeaveAMark Day of Service for the Diocese of Scranton is taking place here in Williamsport. This is a great opportunity to get out in the community and do some work. I have been in contact with a few areas to serve and I will update all on those places. The SPCA is hosting a group, Expectations, Frieside Place, Local food pantries, and Family Promise are looking to accommodate us as well. But please send this out to your students, young adults and families. This is also a great time for school students to get a jump on their service hours as well as confirmation students.  It will be Saturday...

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Family Promise It is almost time for us to host the Family Promise guests again. Our next week will be Sept. 2nd–9th. Kathy Venaski, Food Coordinator can be reached at 570-419-5712 if you are able to provide dinner for one of the nights. Ray Fischer, Overnight Coordinator can be reached at 570-326-5464. There are 4 families: 3 adults & 4 children in the program. We provide them with food for breakfast & lunch in addition to the dinners provided at the Parish Center. We are looking for help with Set-Up, Van drivers, Tearing Down & Cleaning Up at the end of the week. As I say often, “Many hands make ...

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Family Promise
The 2018-2019 PREP CALENDER IS NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE.  You can find it under "ABOUT - PREP"

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Carnival News

Posted on August 13, 2018 in: St Boniface Activities

St. Boniface Carnival September 6th, 7th, 8th LAST SET UP NIGHTS – Tuesday, September 4th and Wednesday, September 5th – report at 6 pm BUCKETS- In case you missed mass last week, there are still buckets located in the rear of the church.  Feel free to pick one up on your way out. We ask that all buckets be returned on or before September 2nd. DESSERTS/BAKED GOODS- We are looking for desserts (cakes, pies, etc) for the dinners all three nights of the carnival.  We also have a baked good stand at the carnival in which we make 100% of the profits. If possible, we ask that the items are individ...

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RCIA Classes

Posted on August 09, 2018 in: General News

RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.  For those seeking to be initiated into the Catholic church, RCIA is the process of learning about and growing in the Catholic faith and deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ, leading to reception of the sacraments of baptism (if necessary), Confirmation and the Eucharist.  If you or anyone you know are interested in joining the Catholic Church, or have questions and want to learn more, RCIA is for you!    Please call Brian Haas, RCIA Coordinator at 570-326-1544 for more information or Are you interested in a per...

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Mass Times Changes

Posted on August 06, 2018 in: Pastor's Corner

Father Bill Corcoran has announced that effective September 9th, the St. Boniface Sunday Mass time will be at 10:30 AM.  This is also the first Sunday that the Contemporary Choir returns. 

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Mass Times

Holy Day of Obligation

Posted on August 02, 2018 in: General News

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Holy Day of Obligation is Wednesday August 15, 2018. St. Lawrence will celebrate a Vigil Mass on Tuesday August 14th 5:30pm. St. Boniface will celebrate mass on Wednesday August 15th 8:00am. ~~Please note:  there will not be a 7am Mass at St. Lawrence on August 15th

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Holy Day

Feast of St. Lawrence

Posted on July 25, 2018 in: General News

  Come Celebrate the FEAST OF ST. LAWRENCE Mass at St. Lawrence Church at 7:00am Friday, August 10, 2018 The feast day of our patron Saint, St. Lawrence, is Friday August 10th. There is a Novena printed and placed in the back of both the St. Lawrence and St. Boniface Parishes for each family to participate. The Novena begins Wednesday August 1st to the 9th, nine days ending with the Mass at 7:00AM on Friday August 10th at St. Lawrence Church.  Lawrence - Deacon and Martyr (D.258?) and the first of the seven deacons who served the Roman Church. The esteem in which the Church holds Lawrence is seen in t...

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Parish Picnic

Posted on July 25, 2018 in: St Boniface Activities

St. Lawrence & St. Boniface Parishes are planning a picnic Sunday August 12th at the South Williamsport Picnic Pavilion on East Central Avenue, starting at 12noon and serving lunch at 1pm.   The Picnic Committee will be providing Hamburgers/Hot Dogs/Drinks. There will be games, but you are invited to bring an outside game if you choose. There will be prizes given throughout the day. If you cannot bring a dish, that’s okay, don’t stay away! There is also a flyer in back of church, if you can volunteer to help, fill out the cut-out on the flyer & send in to the Parish Office ...

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Parish Picnic
Working with our NEW Pastor, Father Bill we are creating our registration form, calender, parent handbook for the 2018-2019 PREP year.  These items will be available on this web site as well as mailed to families registered in PREP from the pior year.  If your child wasn't registered last year and you would like the material mailed to you, please email Dianne Fisher at 

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Prep 2018-2019

Posted on July 19, 2018 in: Religious Education

Are You Able To Help– The Religious Education Program is looking for adults to help next fall.  if you can help serve your parish in this way, I am looking for PREP Catechists. I train, explain and never ask more than you can give. Contact me, Dianne Fisher, with any questions on this 570-322-3278.

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Rev. William Corcoran Fr. Bill was born in Virginia while his father was in the military. He graduated with a BA in Public/International Affairs from George Washington University in Washington, DC. Initially, he worked in business at Amtrak headquarters in Washington DC and then, as Manager of Marketing at Exide batteries of Horsham PA. Testing a vocation to the priesthood, he took a job with Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Harrisburg where he oversaw marriage preparation, ministry to separated/divorced and diocesan food banks.  In 1986 he finished at Mt. St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg MD with an MA in T...

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Priest Biographies
Joint Parish Picnic - St. Boniface Parish is looking for 2 two volunteers to assist the St. Lawrence Activities Committee with organizing the joint parish picnic to be held on August 12, 2018 at the South Williamsport Park.  If you can give a few hours of your time to help organize this fellowship event, please call the parish office.  

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Meet the New Pastor Ministry

Posted on June 18, 2018 in: Ministries

Calling all Ministry and Activity Leaders - If you are the responsible individual for any parish ministry or activity at either St. Lawrence or St. Boniface, the Parish Pastoral Councils invite you to attend the joint Pastoral Council Meeting on July 11, 2018 at St. Lawrence’s Social Hall at 6:30 PM to meet our new Pastor and give a brief presentation of your ministries activities.  Please indicate that you will attend by calling the parish office at 570-326-1544.

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St. Lawrence Folk Choir

Posted on June 13, 2018 in: Ministries

St Lawrence Folk Choir is looking for new members! If you like to sing and attend the 8:00 a.m. Mass on a regular basis, please consider joining the folk choir. Membership is open to all ages. If you are interested in joining the folk choir, please contact Tina Pulver at for more information.  

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It’s time once again to make our famous pierogies that will be sold at the carnival.  Come one, come all!  No experience necessary.  Monday, June 25th, 6 pm in the school gym.  Time to Make the Pierogies - We need rollers, potato stuffers, pinchers, etc.  So, bring a rolling pin and come join the fun!

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Pastor Announcement

Posted on June 06, 2018 in: Pastor's Corner

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments, effective as indicated: Reverend William D. Corcoran, to Pastor, Saint Lawrence Parish, South Williamsport, and Saint Boniface Parish, Williamsport, effective June 25, 2018. Monsignor Stephen D. McGough, from Pastor, Saint Lawrence Parish, South Williamsport, and Saint Boniface Parish, Williamsport, to Pastor Emeritus, Saint Lawrence Parish, South Williamsport, and Saint Boniface Parish, Williamsport, effective June 25, 2018. Reverend Michael J. Zipay,  from Senior Priest, Saint Lawrence Parish, South Williamsport, and Saint Bonif...

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The pilgrimage is part of this year’s commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Diocese of Scranton.  17th Diocese of Scranton Pilgrimage of Faith to Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, DC will be on Saturday, September 22, 2018. Pilgrimage Cost:  $55/person + lunch Register through your parish. For more information, call: Office for Parish Life 570-207-2213. 6:00 a.m. Buses begin to depart from various locations 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer on individual buses 11:00 a.m. Arrival at the Basilica of the National Shrine 12:00 p.m. Welcom...

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St. Ann's & St. Joseph the Worker are sponsoring Shipwrecked Vacation Bible School June 18th -22nd 9a-Noon, at St. Joseph the Worker. Early registration is recommended & encouraged.  All chilldren K to 6th grade are welcome. Please register as soon as possible (Click here) at  

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Men's Prayer Breakfast June 2nd at St. Joseph the Worker 8:30a Mass. Breakfast at 9:30a & Speaker Gary Zimak at 10:30a in The Fleming Center. $10 Youth/$15 Adults. Call 570 323-9456 to Register.

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Father's Day Cards

Posted on May 24, 2018 in: General News

Please use Father's Day Envelopes that are provided in your packet for a special gift for our living & deceased fathers. These envelopes will be placed on the altar for the Father's Day Masses. There are cards on the tables in the back of the churches that you can give to the living fathers in your lives. Just put the money in the envelope and return it to the Parish Office through the collection and give the card to your loved one.

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MOST HOLY TRINITY      The Council of Nicea affirmed as doctrine for the church the fact of the Trinity. It affirmed what was found in Mt.28.19. "Go, baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…" All Christian churches that I am aware of affirm that God is a Trinity of persons. There is a depth to the being of God. There is a profundity to his nature. It is true that we cannot understand what and how the Trinity "works". One thing is certain, it works to our benefit. If you take humans out of the equation you could sincerely ask whether there is need for a Trinity. I...

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Memorial Day Mass

Posted on May 18, 2018 in: General News

St. Boniface Cemetery on Penn St. & Wyoming St. Please Join Us on Monday May 28th 9:00 am for Memorial Day Mass. Bring Your Chair & Join Us For Light Refresments after Mass. In case of inclement weather, Mass will be held in St. Boniface Church.

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St. Anthony’s Center is in need of man power & boxes next Saturday, May 26th 8am-Noon to box up canned goods to be distributed to area food banks. St. Anthony has helped many now it is time to give back. If you can help please call SJW Parish @ 570- 323-9456. 

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June 1st -3rd middle school students from across the Diocese of Scranton will gather at Camp Orchard Hill in Dallas for the Up & Over Jr. High Retreat. This retreat is designed to teach students problem solving skills, communication, and team building through small group sessions and diverse activities such as a lowropes obstacle course. Students are guaranteed to leave the weekend with new friends, a different perspective of their faith, and skills that they’ll be able to put to use! This is an invitation to current 6 th, 7th, and 8th. Please contact Shannon Kowalski if you should have any questions about ...

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Newly Formed St. Boniface Senior Ministry to Reach Out to our Parishioners at Home. One of the needs identified on our parish survey was an outreach to seniors. As the first step in our outreach, we have just organized a number of volunteers who were trained as Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. These volunteers are ready to travel to homes to visit, bring Communion and pray with those (of any age) who are unable to attend Mass. If you or a family member would like to learn more about this opportunity, please contact the rectory or Karen Balestino, ministry coordinator 570-327-1147. St. Boniface Mission at William...

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Pentecost     The blending of the Jewish faith with Christianity was with us from the beginning. When the first communities following the "new way", as we were known early on, began to live out the mystery of Jesus Christ it was clear there was not a clear break between the two. One of the first truly public expressions of our faith was Pentecost. The Jewish and Christian communities were gathered in Jerusalem for the Jewish feast of Hemera (the fiftieth day). It was a harvest festival of the first fruits of the grain harvest. The small Christian community was there for that feast with all their ne...

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Farewell Reception for Msgr. McGough and Fr. Zipay Our two priests will be having a last mass celebration on June 10, 2018 at 11 am.  There will be a reception immediately following in the school gym.  We are looking for volunteers that are willing to make tea sandwiches (ham, chicken, tuna, egg salad, pimento cheese) and cookies, brownies, mini muffins for this event.  If you feel you could help, please call Diane Fisher at 570-322-3278 or Deb Wheeler at 570-220-2303.  There will also be a signup sheet located in the back of the church if you would prefer to sign up rather than call.  Y...

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Fifty years ago, four men — Charles Cummings, John Manno, Stephen McGough and Michael Zipay — from the region were ordained as a part of the Diocese of Scranton’s 1968 ordination class. Today they still serve and stay active in the community. Bishop James C. Timlin will celebrate their 50th anniversary of priesthood at 5 p.m. Sunday at St. Joseph the Worker Parish, 711 W. Edwin St. Click Link to read entire story..

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May Month of Mary

Posted on May 10, 2018 in: Sacraments

In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I Trust - Call upon Mary! In danger, in difficulty or in doubt, think of Mary, call upon Mary, Keep her name on your lips, and never let it pass out of your heart. Following in her footsteps, you will not go astray: praying to her, you will not fall into despair: thinking of her you will not err. While she keeps hold of your hand, you will not fall ... you will not grow weary ... you will have no fear ... Enjoying her protection, you will reach the goal. (Saint Bernard)

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Happy Mother's Day

Posted on May 10, 2018 in: Ministries

Happy Mother's Day! Blaschak-Stout Family, Baptism Sunday, May 13th at St Boniface!  Congratulate the Family.

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END OF OPPORTUNITY The Easter season concludes on May 20th with the Feast of Pentecost. Easter was real game changer. With the renewal of the act of Baptism on Easter Day we took on a New Life, with New powers, in short, a New Day for us. This all takes place in the world of faith, which for us is reality. This reality is opposed to the world which forgot Easter on Easter Monday. When we speak of the "world" we speak of any reality without God. The "world" is not the beautiful universe filled with the wonder of God's creation. Wherever you have unity, truth, beauty, grace, goodness and ...

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This day long youth rally for 6th – 12th grade students, includes games, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, small groups, guys & gals session, lunch, Mass, XLT Adoration, praise & worship band, and dinner. Based on Romans 12:2, Transformed is going to impact the way you walk, talk, think, and live as a Catholic student. Today, it seems like society is dictating what is good, bad and the absolute truth. In reality we should be looking to Christ to lead us into the only Truth. It is going to take time, dedication, prayer, willingness, and effort to transform our lives together. How will Christ transf...

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First Holy Communion Photos

Posted on May 07, 2018 in: General News

Parents if you didn't have a chance to speak to Eric Beiter about getting photographs of your child,  you can reach him at Highland Photography , and at 570-772-9731.  

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Catholic women of the Diocese

Posted on May 07, 2018 in: Ministries

We have been asked by the Catholic women of the Diocese to help them find  a parish coordinator for each parish.  Please forward this information below to the women in your life, wife, mother, sister, friend, etc. Thank you and God bless,  If your interested please email   As you all know, we are gearing up for our First Annual Catholic Women's Conference in Scranton on June 23, 2018! We envision 1,000 women attending from Northeast Pennsylvania and beyond! In order to make this dream a reality, weNEED YOUR HELP! We need you to say YES to b...

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FURTHER INTO EASTER--The Father's action in sending the Word, the Son, was not the first step in the beautiful expression of the Father's Love. As the Jewish people used to sing in considering the steps that God took to save them; at any point they sang, "it was enough". The Father's action was completed when the Son was crucified and buried and rose. It was always about His love for the human family he created. He is the Good Shepherd. He is the vine to which we are attached. When you think of Easter and Ascension and the absence of Jesus, you want to know what next? Jesus has left us with loving ...

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The life of the Risen Lord has been poured out into our hearts. This risen life has come into us. Our faith confirms what Jesus has done. His entry into life was without any exceptions. Nothing of the human condition was avoided. This included the horrifying crucifixion. It was real and he truly suffered and died. Jesus did not die an ordinary death. The manner and experience of Jesus' death is unfathomable to us. Jesus went to the extreme of human suffering and pain. We make a real choice to join our real pain and suffering with his, the first of many brothers and sisters to go the way of death. He asked us to follow ...

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Host Week May 20th--Well it is almost time for us to host the Family Promise guests again. Our next week will be May 20th – 27th. Kathy Venaski is our Food Coordinator and can be reached at 570-419-5712 if you are able to provide dinner for one of the nights. Ray Fischer has agreed to be our Overnight Coordinator.  He can be reached at 570-326-5464.  At this time there are 4 families, 5 adults and 9 children in the program. This can always change but we will let you know the exact number of guests the week before. We provide them with food for breakfast and lunch in addition to the ...

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STAY ALERT When Jesus told his disciples at the Mt. of Olives to "Stay Awake", he did not want them to miss the "End Time". One needed to be awake to experience this moment. It might also be said to us. The Resurrection's seven weeks of observance are really a quite important time for us. I have emphasized the fact, as John's Gospel did, of the present tense of eternal life. We are living the Resurrected life already. "If you have been raised with Christ, think of what is above…your life is hidden with Christ in God". So in a reality we are living this new life. It was ren...

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Activities Assocation

Posted on April 25, 2018 in: General News

The Activities Association is currently selling their 300 Club Tickets.  Our first drawing will be on June 10th.  Take a chance to win money for five weeks.  Cost is $10 per ticket.  Tickets can be obtained from any activities member, after mass, or by calling Paul Beiter @ 570-326-0788.  If you think you could sell a couple tickets for this cause, please call Paul Mark you calendars for our annual carnival coming September 6, 7, and 8th. We are in need of workers in all areas.  More information in the upcoming months.  Our next meeting will be Sunday, May 20th at 7...

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1,  Don't forget to signup on webpage for weekly news! 2.  The Pie Sale by the Parish acitvity Committee was a success.  Parish picnic scheduled for SUnday, Ausgust 12th at the South Williamsport Pool complex. Yard salescheudled for Saturday, June 2nd.   Food pantry response had been good.   3.  Social Concerns committee has pulled together a group who has available emergency meals for families.  This committee looking for ways to reach out to young adults.  4.  Womens conference is scheduled for June 23rd.  Mens conference is May 5th.   See Diocesan web s...

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Roll Away The Stone Gospel Mark 16:1-7 When the sabbath was over,  Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome  bought spices so that they might go and anoint him. Very early when the sun had risen, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb. They were saying to one another,  "Who will roll back the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?" When they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back; it was very large. On entering the tomb they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a white robe, and they were utterly amazed. He said to...

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Gospel JN 13:1-15 Before the feast of Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father. He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end. The devil had already induced Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot, to hand him over. So, during supper, fully aware that the Father had put everything into his power and that he had come from God and was returning to God,  he rose from supper and took off his outer garments. He took a towel and tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet&...

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EASTER 2018 In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth and all that came to be on the earth. Creation was the first Grace. The first gift. The Jewish people who gradually came to worship one God came to understand their life as a gift from God. They took the human family a long way in understanding God's love for humanity. The story of god was definitively told when Jesus was born. Jesus was God's perfect image. "I and the Father are one". He was the ultimate Sacrament of the encounter with God. The story of Jesus' life did not meet anyone's definition of what God should have been l...

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3/29   Holy Thursday   Mass 7 pm   St. Boniface 3/30   Good Friday       Mass 1 pm   St. Boniface 3/31   Holy Saturday    Blessing of Food   1 pm St. Boniface & 2.:30 pm St. Lawrence 3/31   Easter Vigil         Mass 8 pm  St. Boniface 4/1     Easter Sunday   Mass 9 am   St Lawrence 4/1     Easter Sunday   Mass 9 am  St. Boniface

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After Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem, after the Last Supper, after his arrest, after being sentenced to death, in the very moment that he died on the cross, two significant things happen in Mark’s Gospel.  First, “the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom” (Mark 15:38”). What is this veil and what is its significance? The veil of the sanctuary separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple.  The Holy of Holies was regarded as the closest approximation of God’s presence here on earth.  Out of respect no one was allowed to enter the Holy of Holi...

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Guide to Confession

Posted on March 21, 2018 in: General News

Guide to Confession   Begin your confession with the sign of the cross, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. My last confession was _______ weeks (months, years) ago." The priest may read a passage from holy Scripture. Say the sins that you remember. Start with the one(s) that is most difficult to say. (In order to make a good confession the faithful must confess all mortal sins, according to kind and number.) After confessing all the sins you remember since your last good confession, you may conclude by saying, "I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past...

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Posted on March 21, 2018 in: General News

The word passion comes from the word passio, which means suffering. Jesus frequently referred to an "hour" which was coming when he would be rejected and have to suffer. His disciples rejected that hour. A suffering Messiah was not possible. To that moment Peter said, "God forbid". You and I know the rest of the story. Not only did Jesus suffer the most punishing manner of death, Crucifixion, but he called on us to carry a Cross. It would not be like his cross but it would be a cross. All of us who have declared ourselves to be Jesus' followers know by experience that this is true. Human life its...

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“Because of the increase of inquity, the love of many will grow cold” (Mt 24:12)   Dear Brothers and Sisters, Once again, the Pasch of the Lord draws near! In our preparation for Easter, God in his providence offers us each year the season of Lent as a “sacramental sign of our conversion”.[1] Lent summons us, and enables us, to come back to the Lord wholeheartedly and in every aspect of our life.

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Fifth Sunday of Lent

Posted on March 12, 2018 in: General News

MEDITATION (audio) on the image of Lazarus being raised from death. In his words and deeds, Jesus tells us, “I am the resurrection and the life.” It is only through him that we receive eternal life and move towards union with God.

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St Lawrence Parish News

Posted on March 09, 2018 in: General News

 St. Lawrence Parish  - There are signup sheets in the back of the church for St. Lawrence parish ministries. The information will be used to contact individuals who may have an interest in the opportunities available for service to our parish and our community.  Please sign up.  With your permission we will use your contact information to register you on the St. Lawrence Parish website so you can stay on top of Parish happenings We will hold the first Coffee after mass on March 11th.  We hope to make this at least a monthly activity.  Please stop by for Sally’s Awesome Muffins, Tina&...

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MAY 13, 2018 "SAVE THE DATE"

Posted on March 06, 2018 in: General News

On Sunday May 13th, 2018 at 5 P.M. at St Joseph the Worker will be a Mass to celabrate the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Msgr McGough, Rev. Zipay and Rev Cummings.   SAVE THE DATE - MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW!

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Msgr announced that a Healing Service will be held on Sunday, April 15, 2018 at the 9:00 AM mass. All in attendance will have the opportunity to be anointed. Those suffering from serious conditions will receive a sacramental anointing.

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Coffee and Donuts will be available this Sunday after 9 AM Mass in the lounge.  Please stop by and say hello!  Background - Msgr told the Parish Council of his desire to begin having coffee and donuts in the lounge of the church after the 9:00 AM Sunday mass twice a month.   It was decided that the first coffee and donut event will be held Sunday, March 11, 2018. Diane Sholder volunteered to serve as the first hostess. Different parishioners will be encouraged to host whenever coffee and donuts are available.  If you are interested in helping please see Diane this sunday or contac...

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THE PASSION OF JESUS, THE PASSION OF HUMAN LIFE The Passion of Jesus is a word that encompasses all that Jesus suffered from, what is known as the agony in the garden to his final cry of death. We can easily extend that to his whole life which was filled with conflict, misunderstanding, hostility, rejection, and failure. I am sure there were moments of joy and laughter, success and celebration. I am sure He enjoyed the wedding reception at Cana! I am sure He delighted in his visits to Lazar, Martha, and Mary. But on the whole of it His life was a continuous cross. Very early in our lives we are aware that there is somet...

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Over the next year, the Diocese of Scranton will be celebrating it's 150th anniversay.  On April 18, St. John Neumann Regional Academy is planning a celebration that includes a 10:00 am mass with Bishop Bambera.    ALL are welcome to attend.

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Treasures of the Church: St Joseph the Worker Parish presents a teaching and exposition of Sacred Relics on Wednesday, March 7 at 7:00 pm.  Father Carlos Martins of the Companions of the Cross will be here with his very special ministry to teach about these holy objects.  He will bring with him over 150 relics, some as old as 2000 years.  Among the treasures will be relics of St. Maria Goretti, St. Therese of Lisieux (the "little Flower"), St Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Faustina Kowalska.  In addition, there will also be present a portion of the veil...

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THE LENTEN CALL TO JOY One leg of the tripod of lent is the call to joy. None of us can insure for ourselves a continuous run of good things to support happiness from the outside. Sometimes life presents us with wonderful joys and then life is so good! But then again when clouds cover our days we have a sinking feeling of ennui. How to be content during those times is a major challenge to all of us. It is certain that we must have a viewpoint that covers when our day is sunshine and when it is darkness. In the Sacred Scriptures, Joy is mentioned no fewer than 350 times as a product of our living with God and graced by J...

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Monsignor McGough, Pastor’s Corner....OUR CONTINUING JOURNEY...I said that for myself I would build my LENT on a tripod. The first leg I said is to deepen trust in God. This is what holiness is. It is what made Jesus the "font of all holiness". The second leg is the awareness of our CALL to Joy. The goodness of creation in all its parts means something. Our attitude and disposition needs to be tested by joy. Third leg is "health of mind and body". This is a recurrent phrase in our communal prayers. Health of Mind is my focus in this piece for the second week in Lent. Dr. Albert Ellis the founder o...

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OUR LENTEN JOURNEY - This is one possible path for our Lenten journey. Probably the most important thing is to have a plan. There are certainly many paths. I suggest this one because it seems to correspond with our actual human experience and our nature. The FIRST PILLAR is to admit what is present, i.e., simply there! Essential to our very existence is having been created in a relationship with God. His love for us is a continuing action, not unlike your loving relationships wherein you trust the other! We don't have a lot of these relationships, maybe one, or two. Once you see that then you want to become aware of it...

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Altar Servers Needed

Posted on February 09, 2018 in: General News

Additional altar servers are needed for the 4:00 p.m. Saturday mass at St. Boniface. Current altar servers that can serve on a Saturday(s) in the next few months, please call the parish office. If your child is in Grades 3-12, and would like to learn to altar serve, please contact the parish office and we will make arrangements to train them. 

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Ash Wednesday Fish Dinner

Posted on February 09, 2018 in: General News

The annual St. Boniface Ash Wednesday Fish Dinner is on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at the St. John Neumann Elementary Campus gym & cafeteria, adjacent to the church, 4:00 pm-7:00 pm. Take-outs are available. The cost is $9.50 for adults; children 12 & under are $4.50.  The dinner includes fish, macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, cole slaw, green beans, brownie sundaes and drinks. The meal is served family style.

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Diocesan Men's Conference

Posted on January 30, 2018 in: General News

 The Diocesan Mens Conference is scheduled for  Saturday, May 5th,  at King College in Wilkes Barre.  Registration is now open.  The Cost is $35.00 with a discounted rate for students.  Register on line at  Speakers include Tom Peterson, founder of "Catholics Come Home", Fr. Michael Gritley MIC author of "33 Days to Morning Glory", and Jesse Romero, Lay Catholic evangelist.  There will be time for Eucharistic Adoration, Sacrament of Reconciliation.  The closing Mass will be by Bishop Jospeph Bambera, BIshop of Scranton.  ...

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Posted on January 26, 2018 in: General News

SOCIAL CONCERN / SERVICE   The initial meeting of the group will be on Saturday, March 3rd ​9 A.M. in the St. Lawrence Hall.  This meeting is for group members.    

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Longaberger Basket Bingo

Posted on January 24, 2018 in: General News

The St. Boniface Activities Association is sponsoring a Longaberger Basket Bingo, featuring Bingo specials, a Chinese auction and food), on Saturday, February 3 at the St. John Neumann Elementary Gymnasium, 710 Franklin Street in Williamsport, adjacent to the church. Doors open at 11:00 a.m.; Early Bird specials start at 12:30 p.m. and regular Bingo starts at 12:45 p.m.  Cost is $20 for 20 regular games of Bingo. If you or your group would like to sponsor a basket or buy tickets, please contact Lorrie Flood at 570-433-4464 or Deb Wheeler at 570-220-2303. Tickets are available at the door.

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Pancake Breakfast at St. Lawrence

Posted on January 19, 2018 in: General News

St. Lawrence will host a pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 4th, 8 AM until12:30 PM at the St. Lawrence Parish Center.  Pancakes, eggs, sausage, pastry, choice of beverage (coffee, tea, OJ, hot chocolate).  Please plan on attending and supporting our parish.  We are located at the corner of Winthrop St. and Central Ave. in South Williamsport, Pa.      

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Posted on January 03, 2018 in: General News

Your are invited to attend a presentation by Dr. Bernard Prusak, Associate Professor Of Philosophy at King's College, and Director of The McGowan Center For Ethic and Social Responsibility.  Reserve the Date: 21 February, 6:30 to 8:30 PM.  He will provide a presentation and discussion on:  “What is Conscience?  What responsibility do we have for it?"  Which is to say, “How should a Catholic Christian go about forming his or her conscience?"  The Church’s teaching on conscience will be explored and the implication for Christian practice.&...

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