


Pastor's Corner: February 4

Posted on February 04, 2024 in: Ministries

Pastor's Corner: February 4
Coming soon! With those two words, you’re saying to yourselves “He’s talking about Lent again. We know, we know... Lent’s coming up soon!” But, no, I’m not talking about Lent. I’m talking about the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Let me update you on our progress. A few months ago, our Parish Pastoral Council strongly affirmed its support for this ministry. It created an ad-hoc committee to do the necessary work to get Children’s Liturgy of the Word up and running again. That committee has been meeting. They’ve ...

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Baptism Ministry

Posted on January 28, 2024 in: Ministries

Baptism Ministry
We are ready to kick off our baptism ministry and are looking for couples or individuals with baptized children who would be willing to share their experience of raising children in the Catholic faith. This would mean keeping in touch with the parents of our newly baptized a few times a year and acting as mentors to encourage, answer questions, and invite them to church celebrations and events. Attend a short training to get you started. The time you devote to this ministry works according to your schedule. Please prayerfully consider learning more about this exciting oppor...

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Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Returns in September
Children's Liturgy of the Word will begin again this fall beginning on September 17 & 24, and we are in need of volunteers. No experience is necessary. We need presenters and helpers for this very important ministry for our children. Children hear and learn about the readings from the Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass in a way that they can understand. Children are engaged in activities they can share with their families after each program with take-home materials given to each child. Contact Barb Rizzo at 570-398-0602, text 570-971-2792, or email briz...

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Ever Thought of Becoming a Eucharistic Minister or Lector?
We are currently working on the St. Boniface lector and eucharistic minister schedules for July, August, and September, and would like to add more liturgical ministers to our list. Both parishes need additional eucharistic ministers, especially for Saturday Masses. If you are interested in joining these ministries, please contact the parish office for more information and training. (email or call 570- 326-1544)

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Sojourner Truth Ministry Celebration
You are invited to join us for a celebration of Sojourner Truth Ministry (STM) volunteers on Tuesday, May 3, at 11 a.m. on the St Boniface Rectory patio. In the event of inclement weather, we will meet in the RAC. This gathering is for current volunteers and those interested in learning more about the STM ministry. We serve lunches on Fridays and hope to complete our schedule for May - August. Please join us for light refreshments and hearty fellowship. Please RSVP by contacting parishioner Karen Fry at 570-916-1565. We hope to see you there!

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Valentine's Day Cards Needed

Posted on January 24, 2022 in: Ministries

Valentine's Day Cards Needed
Our Senior C.A.R.E Ministry Team is looking for blank Valentine's Day card donations for sharing with our homebound and nursing home parishioners. In addition to cards, Valentine's Day stickers and postage stamps for mailing are welcome. Please put all donations in the coat room at St. Boniface or on the entrance table at St. Lawrence. Donations can be made through February 1.  If you interested in joining us in this very special ministry, please reach out to Kristin at As always, thank you so very much for your gen...

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Senior CARE Team

Card Ministry

Posted on November 03, 2021 in: Ministries

Card Ministry
The Senior Care Card Ministry: Thank you so much for your donation of Thanksgiving cards. We now have enough for our 2021 mailing. At this time, no card donations are needed as we have an abundant amount of Christmas cards. Thank you again for sharing the joy with our homebound and nursing home parishioners.

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Senior CARE Team

Bereavement Journey Ministry

Posted on May 21, 2021 in: Ministries

Bereavement Journey Ministry
The Bereavement Journey Ministry invites parish volunteers to participate in a service of care, support, and compassion.  Volunteer Forms are available in today's bulletin and on the parish website. Please return the form to the collection basket at Mass, or return to the Parish Office by the end of May. Thank you.

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High School Ministry KICK-OFF

Posted on September 24, 2020 in: Ministries

High School Ministry KICK-OFF
SECOND SUNDAY HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY KICK-OFF Where: Pavilion at St. Ann’s Church When: Sunday, 9/27/20 from 5:30 – 7:00p What: Dinner & Conversation – Where is God? Who: High Schoolers – 9-12 graders Logistics: We will practice social distancing -please bring a mask in case we need them. Bring a blanket, beach towel, or a chair if you’d prefer to sit somewhere other than the picnic tables under the Pavilion. Please come join other area high schoolers as we catch up about how life has been since March. We plan to meet outside at the Pavi...

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Dos veces en Marzo, se ofrecerá misa en español en Williamsport. El miércoles 4 de Marzo y el miércoles 25, a las 7:30 p.m.  Los estudiantes de habla hispana de Lycoming College, entre otros, se unirán a estas eucaristías en la iglesia San Bonifacio, ubicada en  326 Washington Boulevard, Williamsport, PA.  El Padre Neftalí Féliz Sena de la República Dominicana estará presidiendo las misas y liderando los cantos. Por favor, invita a tus amigos y amigas.

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Posted on March 03, 2020 in: General News, Ministries

PARENTS We are looking for more Altar Servers and appealing to you to discuss it with your children. Any girl or boy who has received Holy Communion is eligible. It would get them involved and make the Mass more interesting to them. We will train them. Call Stephanie at 916.0483 or Chris at 326.1544.

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Youth Ministry
The Vigil Project
Vigil Project Church of the Resurrection is again hosting The Vigil Project for a Lenten Mission Concert & Talk on Wednesday, March 4th at 7PM. There will be a mass at 6PM w/ music done by The Vigil Project and a concert/talk following. The Vigil Project's mission is to create beautiful music for the Catholic journey. For too long, Catholics have been deprived of music for prayer. There was a time when everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, turned to the Catholic Church for the most beautiful expressions of art and music in the world. It’s time for a ...

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SECOND SUNDAY High School Ministry

Posted on January 15, 2020 in: Ministries

SECOND SUNDAY High School Ministry
February Second Sunday Event Fortitude 101: The virtue of fortitude enables one to conquer fear, even fear of death, and to face trials and persecutions. Keeping it simple, fortitude means courage.  Come discuss the courage of the early Christians and the many modern Christians who are faithful in the face of great danger. Are we living up to their example? Who: 9-12 graders What: Mass, Dinner, Conversation When: February 9, 5:30PM to 8:00PM Where: St. Boniface Church & RAC Instagram: SecondSunday_sbla Come check out Second Sunda...

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Youth Ministry

Youth Conference Summer 2020

Posted on January 06, 2020 in: Ministries

Youth Conference Summer 2020
Steubenville Youth Conference Summer 2020 Those involved with our high school ministry are encouraged to join other area high schoolers and thousands from across the country for a lifechanging retreat weekend at Franciscan University in Steubenville Ohio from July 10-12. Our Catholic faith is brought to life at these conferences through talks, music, and adoration in an extraordinary way. The cost is $400 per student. Last year, the generosity of parishioners covered the cost of 4 of our high schoolers to attend. Sign-ups are due January 10, 2020. Contact Alisan & Je...

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Youth Ministry

Food Pantry

Posted on January 06, 2020 in: Ministries, Social Concerns

Food Pantry
January Food Pantry Thank you to all our families, we have been able to take a very large amount of food to the St. Joseph Food Pantry throughout November and December. We ask that you continue this so that we can help throughout the winter months. This is a service project of the SB & SL Parish Councils. Item of the month of January: Spaghetti Sauce. Other Items needed: Cereal/granola bars; Mac and Cheese; Peanut Butter; Pasta/Pasta Sauce; Ramen Noodle; Tuna; Canned Vegetables. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this ...

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Women's Prayer Breakfast

Posted on October 20, 2019 in: Ministries

Women's Prayer Breakfast
Women’s Prayer Breakfast - Saturday October 26th -Fleming Center 8:30am Mass; 9:30am Breakfast; 10:00am “Women of Faith” presented by Catherine Butel, Secretary Office of Parish Life for the Diocese. Adults $10 Youth (ages 12-18) $5. Reservations email:  All women are welcome!

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December High School Ministry Event

Posted on October 01, 2019 in: Ministries

December Second Sunday Event SPECIAL EVENT - December 8th.  Concert featuring the Vigil Project at 4pm, Church of the Resurrection in Muncy followed by dinner & speakers from the Culture Project down the street at Orlando’s. We will be carpooling from the Boniface parking lot. Meet at 3PM, return by 8:30PM. Please take advantage of this beautiful start to Advent with fellow high schoolers from other area churches! Email or Call (570) 447-2300 to let us know you’ll attend. If any parents are interested in attending & willing to drive students, please also let u...

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Mass Intentions

Posted on September 16, 2019 in: Ministries

You may now schedule Mass Intentions for 2020.  We ask that you limit your Mass requests for weekend Masses to 2 per household. You may also make a request for 2 daily (weekday) Masses per year. Additional requests will be open after January 1st, 2020. Please visit or call the parish office. Also, If you would like to arrange for a bouquet in front of the altar in honor or memory of a loved one, please call the parish office.

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KAOS Fun for Altar Servers

Posted on September 16, 2019 in: Ministries

St. Boniface & St. Lawrence ALTAR SERVERS are invited to a field trip to Kaos Fun Zone on Sunday, 9/22 from 12-2pm. Activities include jump time and choice of laser tag or the arcade. Lunch will be provided. Questions can be directed to Stephanie Radulski at or Brianne Carpenter at  

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SECOND SUNDAY High School Ministry

Posted on September 09, 2019 in: Ministries

  Fall 2019 Events: Thursday, September 12 - SPECIAL EVENT – The 177 Project: Come join Adoration Artists and special guest, Lee Roessler for a special evening of Adoration and music as the 177 Project visits Williamsport, Pennsylvania! 7PM-9PM at St. Joseph the Worker Parish. Sunday, September 15: Informational Meetings about Second Sunday and a Summer 2020 trip to Franciscan will be held during the PREP parent meeting at St. Lawrence & after the 10:30 mass at St. Boniface.  Sunday, October 13: Faith 101 – I have faith, but I don’t think it&...

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Youth Ministry

Social Concerns Committee

Posted on August 14, 2019 in: Ministries

In the past year, the St. Boniface/St. Lawrence parishes have put together an active Social Concerns committee.  Our mission is to serve those in need both in our Williamsport community and overseas by living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are currently looking for volunteers.  One of the local projects is with Sojourner Truth Ministry (STM) in Williamsport. Volunteers are needed to pick-up/deliver donated food every Tuesdays and help prepare and serve lunches on Thursdays.  We serve meals twice a month, the 2nd and 4th Thursday from 10 am – 1 pm.  There is a one-hour orientation before sta...

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SECOND SUNDAY High School Ministry At St. Boniface & St. Lawrence 2019-2020 Schedule (see link below) WHO: 9th to 12th Graders WHEN: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM - Second Sunday of each Month WHAT:  MASS, Food, Conversation WHERE:  St Boniface Church & RAC CONTACT:  

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High School Ministry Update

Posted on April 25, 2019 in: Ministries

FINAL SCHOOL YEAR EVENT - High School Ministry May 12th 5:30-7:00pm CHURCH 101- The Church, the body of Christ, isn't a building. It's you. And me. Let's talk about what that means for us - maybe we should stop complaining about "church" and start considering if God is calling us to be His heart,  His arm,  His spleen, His eyelashes, etc. etc. etc..  We'll also wish our seniors well as they prepare for graduation! Who: 9-12 graders What: Dinner and Conversation NO TEEN MASS When: May 12, 5:30PM to 7:00PM - It's Mother's Day! Be ...

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It's almost time for us to host the Family Promise guests again. Our next week will be April 14-21. Contact Kathy Venaski, our Food Coordinator at 419-5712 if you are able to provide dinner for one of the nights. Contact Ray Fischer, our Overnight Coordinator at 326-5464. There are 4 families, 4 adults & 6 children in the program. This can always change but we will let you know the exact number of guests the week before. We provide them with food for breakfast and lunch in addition to the dinners provided at the Parish Center. We are looking for help with Set-Up, Van drivers, Tearing Down and Cleaning Up at the end...

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“Walk for Water” Nicaragua

Posted on March 21, 2019 in: Ministries

Be a walker and be part of “Walk for Water” on Saturday, April 13th. Be a sponsor for a walker. Be a donor for a family in need of the “Rain Harvesting System ($380 per system). Be a volunteer and join the committee to set up snacks, drinks and lunch, and manage registration. Be a greeter and welcome the walkers. Be the cheerleader and encourage family and friends to be part of this worldly cause. Be a faithful prayer partner for these families in need and the people that minister them. Contribute a donation to support this project to bring sustainable change to this community. All ages are welcome! Re...

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High School Ministry

Posted on February 14, 2019 in: Ministries

April Event - High School Ministry: Genesis 101 Who: 9-12 graders What: Mass, Dinner, Conversation When: April 14th, 5:30PM to 8:00PM Where: St. Boniface Church & RAC Instagram: SecondSunday_sbsl Come check out Second Sunday High School Ministry. We'll have mass, eat dinner, and talk about who you are and who Jesus is. Bring an empty stomach, open mind, and a friend. Families are welcome and encouraged to attend mass. Email with questions & to confirm attendance.  **A Call For Support -  FUNDRAISER: Easter Flowers for ...

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Diocesan Annual Appeal

Posted on October 31, 2018 in: Ministries

The Journey Makes Us One..... Did  you know your donations to the Annual Appeal are restricted to use to support five Diocesan Ministries and Services.  Please watch Bishop Bambera's video and consider supporting the ministries and services in this years annual appeal.

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Annual Appeal
XLT (Exalt!)
XLT (Exalt!), will be held Monday, October 15th from 6:30-8:30p.m. at St. Boniface Parish, 326 Washington Boulevard, Williamsport. The Youth event, co-sponsored by the Diocese, for high schoolers and young adults, will consist of Eucharistic Adoration, praise & worship music, a dynamic talk by a young professional woman, the opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation, and a social. All are welcome to attend! For more information, please call 570-780-2996.  

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St. Lawrence: We have a need for more Eucharistic ministers for weekend Mass at St. Lawrence. This ministry is an important component to allowing us to provide the Eucharist under both species. Contact the Parish office if interested. Please pray and see if you can contribute to this ministry. St. Boniface: We have had some wonderful volunteers who have retired after years of service. We could use new blood to distribute Holy Communion at Masses. Interested? Contact Marie Stewart or the parish office. We will train you. Maybe some who serve in another role may want to rotate to this ministry. ...

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Youth Ministry Meeting

Posted on September 20, 2018 in: General News, Ministries

Youth Ministry Several people have voiced an interest in organizing extra activities for our parishioners aged 14-18 years (high school). We are having an OPEN HOUSE for students and adults interested in helping. Pass the word and Join us on Thursday, September 27th 6:30pm in the RAC. Contact Let's brainstorm together!  

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Leave A Mark - Day of Service

Posted on September 04, 2018 in: Ministries

The #LeaveAMark Day of Service for the Diocese of Scranton is taking place here in Williamsport. This is a great opportunity to get out in the community and do some work. I have been in contact with a few areas to serve and I will update all on those places. The SPCA is hosting a group, Expectations, Frieside Place, Local food pantries, and Family Promise are looking to accommodate us as well. But please send this out to your students, young adults and families. This is also a great time for school students to get a jump on their service hours as well as confirmation students.  It will be Saturday...

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Meet the New Pastor Ministry

Posted on June 18, 2018 in: Ministries

Calling all Ministry and Activity Leaders - If you are the responsible individual for any parish ministry or activity at either St. Lawrence or St. Boniface, the Parish Pastoral Councils invite you to attend the joint Pastoral Council Meeting on July 11, 2018 at St. Lawrence’s Social Hall at 6:30 PM to meet our new Pastor and give a brief presentation of your ministries activities.  Please indicate that you will attend by calling the parish office at 570-326-1544.

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St. Lawrence Folk Choir

Posted on June 13, 2018 in: Ministries

St Lawrence Folk Choir is looking for new members! If you like to sing and attend the 8:00 a.m. Mass on a regular basis, please consider joining the folk choir. Membership is open to all ages. If you are interested in joining the folk choir, please contact Tina Pulver at for more information.  

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St. Ann's & St. Joseph the Worker are sponsoring Shipwrecked Vacation Bible School June 18th -22nd 9a-Noon, at St. Joseph the Worker. Early registration is recommended & encouraged.  All chilldren K to 6th grade are welcome. Please register as soon as possible (Click here) at  

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Men's Prayer Breakfast June 2nd at St. Joseph the Worker 8:30a Mass. Breakfast at 9:30a & Speaker Gary Zimak at 10:30a in The Fleming Center. $10 Youth/$15 Adults. Call 570 323-9456 to Register.

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St. Anthony’s Center is in need of man power & boxes next Saturday, May 26th 8am-Noon to box up canned goods to be distributed to area food banks. St. Anthony has helped many now it is time to give back. If you can help please call SJW Parish @ 570- 323-9456. 

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June 1st -3rd middle school students from across the Diocese of Scranton will gather at Camp Orchard Hill in Dallas for the Up & Over Jr. High Retreat. This retreat is designed to teach students problem solving skills, communication, and team building through small group sessions and diverse activities such as a lowropes obstacle course. Students are guaranteed to leave the weekend with new friends, a different perspective of their faith, and skills that they’ll be able to put to use! This is an invitation to current 6 th, 7th, and 8th. Please contact Shannon Kowalski if you should have any questions about ...

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Newly Formed St. Boniface Senior Ministry to Reach Out to our Parishioners at Home. One of the needs identified on our parish survey was an outreach to seniors. As the first step in our outreach, we have just organized a number of volunteers who were trained as Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. These volunteers are ready to travel to homes to visit, bring Communion and pray with those (of any age) who are unable to attend Mass. If you or a family member would like to learn more about this opportunity, please contact the rectory or Karen Balestino, ministry coordinator 570-327-1147. St. Boniface Mission at William...

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Happy Mother's Day

Posted on May 10, 2018 in: Ministries

Happy Mother's Day! Blaschak-Stout Family, Baptism Sunday, May 13th at St Boniface!  Congratulate the Family.

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This day long youth rally for 6th – 12th grade students, includes games, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, small groups, guys & gals session, lunch, Mass, XLT Adoration, praise & worship band, and dinner. Based on Romans 12:2, Transformed is going to impact the way you walk, talk, think, and live as a Catholic student. Today, it seems like society is dictating what is good, bad and the absolute truth. In reality we should be looking to Christ to lead us into the only Truth. It is going to take time, dedication, prayer, willingness, and effort to transform our lives together. How will Christ transf...

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Catholic women of the Diocese

Posted on May 07, 2018 in: Ministries

We have been asked by the Catholic women of the Diocese to help them find  a parish coordinator for each parish.  Please forward this information below to the women in your life, wife, mother, sister, friend, etc. Thank you and God bless,  If your interested please email   As you all know, we are gearing up for our First Annual Catholic Women's Conference in Scranton on June 23, 2018! We envision 1,000 women attending from Northeast Pennsylvania and beyond! In order to make this dream a reality, weNEED YOUR HELP! We need you to say YES to b...

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