

Pastor's Corner: January 7

Posted on January 07, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

We all know that the secular world makes a jumble of seasons. Memorial Day arrives and we complain it’s not warm enough to be summer. (Because summer’s still about 3 weeks away!) Radios blare songs about snow as Halloween ends (when we don’t want snow!) and drop them every December 26 (when it might be cold outside!). And, of course, stores have already loaded up on Valentine’s Day merchandise.

Let’s not forget, at least for one more day, that it’s still Christmas. Today, the Lord’s Epiphany isn’t a faint echo of something we did 12 days ago. It’s the triumphant completion of what began on Christmas Eve—the star’s light shines brightly and brings unbelievers to faith.

So, do something to keep Christmas today. Come to the Rectory Sunday afternoon (12–3 p.m.) for something to eat and drink, for time to share with parishioners and friends. Break out the Christmas music again. Watch that holiday movie you missed in the busyness of the last two weeks. Above all, think of that manger where shepherds and magi adored the Word made Flesh, the One who becomes our food and drink.

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