

Pastor's Corner: June 23

Posted on June 23, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Take a look at this picture: a brightly colored bouquet in the middle of the rectory’s kitchen table. It’s literally a spiritual bouquet, a collection of prayers and charitable works offered on my behalf. A gift from our PREP students and catechists to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests (observed on the feast of the Sacred Heart, this year June 7). Each blossom contributes to an assortment of prayers—Hail Marys and Our Fathers, rosaries and daily prayers, works of justice, and charity.

As I approach my ordination anniversary this Monday—the Nativity of St. John the Baptist—I’m happily reminded of how I have been sustained by the prayers and sacrifices of others. We can’t do this work—preaching the gospel, caring for a community, hearing the cries of the poor, living the witness of celibacy and prayer—without the strong support of so many, many people. I thank you—and so many others in my life—for that constant and prayerful support.

In these rather challenging days, as we look towards this year’s consolidation between our two parishes and linkage with St. Ann’s next year, let’s support one another in prayer. Pray for a spirit of cooperation and charity. Pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Pray, above all, that we all boldly embrace the mission of Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls.

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