

Pastor's Corner: June 30

Posted on June 30, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

When Resurrection Parish was building a new church a few years ago, my mind kept returning to a verse from the Psalms: “If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the builders labor.” What a healthy reminder that we’re to be about God’s work! If it’s God’s work, why don’t we actually give it over to God? Sure, we had to dream and plan, engage with architects and builders, face unexpected twists in the process. But, at every turn prayer made it better.

We’re not being asked here at St. Ann's, St. Lawrence and St. Boniface to construct a new building. We’re called to respond to the emerging situation of 2030—a church with fewer leaders than its parishes need. We’re called to build a community—a community in many respects already exists in the relationships we’ve sustained over the years. We’re called to sacrifice and work, to dialog and thought. But, we’re called first of all to prayer. Because building this “house,” this new parish configuration is ultimately God’s work.

So, pray! Pray at Mass, at home, in the empty church during the day, at adoration on Monday evenings. God’s here to listen. God wants to give us his wisdom and compassion. God wants to build up our community. Let’s begin with him, so that our labors will not be in vain.

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