

Pastor's Corner: September 8

Posted on September 09, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Some of you have asked about what progress we’ve made with the pipe organ. I haven’t said much about it since informing you of the various problems Tropical Storm Debby brought. I haven’t done much up until now because I haven’t had answers to give you. An organ is a complicated instrument. Repairing one that’s damaged requires a number of steps—and decisions.

First of all, as you can see, we’ve removed the console from the church. That allowed us to have mold remediation done promptly. We’ve removed the carpet that was, rather inexplicably, underneath the console.

Secondly, we’ve sought construction advice about how that much water got into the organ pit. Granted it was a fast and furious storm—lots of water landed in lots of places. We’re examining how water is collected by the eave gutters and whether or not it’s draining away properly.

Thirdly, we’ve invited organ builders to offer proposals for how to move forward in rebuilding or replacing the console. Remember, this instrument isn’t purely electronic or pipe. It’s a hybrid, employing both modern and ancient technologies. Both aspects need to be carefully addressed.

Lastly, as answers come back to us, we engage questions of insurance and finance. In the meantime, keep everyone involved in prayer— that we make wise decisions about this important facet of our worshipping community.

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