September 1, 2019
Often, people will ask, “how is the parish progressing?” Sometimes they expect you to focus on attendance or contributions. While both have been very gratifying, my best indicator is the willingness of parishioners to volunteer, to get involved.
That has been superb and seems to expand regularly. This is part of our role as baptized members of the church of Jesus. The mission belongs to all of us, not just the Boys in Black and therefore, we are all responsible for its actions.
I’ve seen a healthy response when we wanted to initiate Children’s Liturgy, Social Concern’s outreach at the soup kitchen and our latest ministry . . . to Lycoming College Students.
On August 28th, we began to introduce St. Boniface to our next-door neighbors of whom 400 are entering freshmen. Three couples will be helping me in this new outreach. More are welcome. Meanwhile, if you see some students wandering into Mass who look a little lost, introduce yourself and let them know they are very welcome.